Bradford Office: +44 (0)1274 480639 Teesside Office: +44 (0)1642 054276 [{"id":7,"order":3,"name":"Bradford Office","landline":"+44 (0)1274 480639","mobile":"+44 (0)7568 509493","email":null,"address":null,"address_link":null,"directions_image":null,"in_header":1,"on_contact_page":0,"preferred_phone_number":"landline","created_at":"2023-11-13 12:01:25","updated_at":"2023-11-29 09:37:57"},{"id":1,"order":2,"name":"Yorkshire Office","landline":"+44 (0)1274 480639","mobile":"+44 (0)7568 509493","email":"paulc@ptc360solutions.co.uk","address":"Bella Vista, Lee Lane,Cottingley, West Yorkshire,BD16 1UF","address_link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/place\/54\u00c2\u00b034'17.3\"N+1\u00c2\u00b010'42.9\"W\/@54.5714693,-1.1794962,18z\/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x8ecd5117de9a54ed!7e2!8m2!3d54.571468!4d-1.1785765","directions_image":null,"in_header":0,"on_contact_page":1,"preferred_phone_number":"mobile","created_at":"2023-11-13 11:08:25","updated_at":"2023-11-28 11:43:26"},{"id":2,"order":1,"name":"Teesside Office","landline":"+44 (0)1642 054276","mobile":"+44 (0)7547 672880","email":"joe@ptc360solutions.co.uk","address":"Unit 4b Stadium Court, Skippers Lane Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough TS6 6JB","address_link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/place\/54\u00c2\u00b034'17.3\"N+1\u00c2\u00b010'42.9\"W\/@54.5714693,-1.1794962,18z\/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x8ecd5117de9a54ed!7e2!8m2!3d54.571468!4d-1.1785765","directions_image":"1699875690PTC360NEWADDRESS.png","in_header":1,"on_contact_page":1,"preferred_phone_number":"landline","created_at":"2023-11-13 11:19:14","updated_at":"2024-10-28 03:33:47"}]

What is an air compressor good for?

Air compressors are essential tools for any DIY enthusiast, handyman, contractor, or anyone who needs to get a lot of air in a small space. Aside from their obvious usage in DIY projects and home repairs, they are also great tools that can be used for a lot of other things. Air compressors are so versatile that they can easily be incorporated into almost any type of environment or industry. Let’s take a look at some of the most common uses for an air compressor and why you should have one in your toolbox.



air compressors are extremely useful in the automotive industry for inflating tyres, before air compressors became so widely accessible people had to use other creative methods to inflate tyres faster but with an air compressor you can store pressurised air and have it ready on hand. compressed air can even be used to inflate bicycle tyres, balloons, air beds and other wide varieties of items that can be inflated.


Spray painting

air compressors have made the painting industry far easier since they were introduced. storing pressurised air and using that to push the paint at a higher speed towards the intended area. This method will enable someone to paint a house, a car, furniture and much more. using an air compressor makes these tasks that normally took hours, take mere minutes.



in manufacturing there is amble uses for air compressors, which range from storing the air to be used for pneumatic presses, inflating packaging to be used for a product's protection and so much more. air compressors have been used in the manufacturing industry for many years and have made the cutting, sanding, and transporting processes slimline and simpler.



Air compressors are essential when doing construction work. They allow contractors to easily finish tasks that would normally take much longer by using manual processes. this can include using air compressors for nail guns, impact wrenches, pneumatic drills and even grinders. without air compressors and portable air compressors such as the HPC Kaeser I Comp 3 then these tasks would normally take far longer and delay projects.



Air compressors are not just for dealing with pneumatic issues – they are also great for agricultural uses! For example, an air compressor can be used to spray their crops with safe pesticides and water to help their crops stay healthy and safe, they can also be used for transport systems to feed produce from silos, fields and greenhouses.



Air compressors can do so much, and they can be used for so many different purposes. The best way to understand just how they can benefit you is to get in contact with us here at ptc360 solutions and we will be only too happy to guide you in the right direction.