Bradford Office: +44 (0)1274 480639 Teesside Office: +44 (0)1642 054276 [{"id":7,"order":3,"name":"Bradford Office","landline":"+44 (0)1274 480639","mobile":"+44 (0)7568 509493","email":null,"address":null,"address_link":null,"directions_image":null,"in_header":1,"on_contact_page":0,"preferred_phone_number":"landline","created_at":"2023-11-13 12:01:25","updated_at":"2023-11-29 09:37:57"},{"id":1,"order":2,"name":"Yorkshire Office","landline":"+44 (0)1274 480639","mobile":"+44 (0)7568 509493","email":"paulc@ptc360solutions.co.uk","address":"Bella Vista, Lee Lane,Cottingley, West Yorkshire,BD16 1UF","address_link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/place\/54\u00c2\u00b034'17.3\"N+1\u00c2\u00b010'42.9\"W\/@54.5714693,-1.1794962,18z\/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x8ecd5117de9a54ed!7e2!8m2!3d54.571468!4d-1.1785765","directions_image":null,"in_header":0,"on_contact_page":1,"preferred_phone_number":"mobile","created_at":"2023-11-13 11:08:25","updated_at":"2023-11-28 11:43:26"},{"id":2,"order":1,"name":"Teesside Office","landline":"+44 (0)1642 054276","mobile":"+44 (0)7547 672880","email":"joe@ptc360solutions.co.uk","address":"Unit 4b Stadium Court, Skippers Lane Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough TS6 6JB","address_link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/place\/54\u00c2\u00b034'17.3\"N+1\u00c2\u00b010'42.9\"W\/@54.5714693,-1.1794962,18z\/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x8ecd5117de9a54ed!7e2!8m2!3d54.571468!4d-1.1785765","directions_image":"1699875690PTC360NEWADDRESS.png","in_header":1,"on_contact_page":1,"preferred_phone_number":"landline","created_at":"2023-11-13 11:19:14","updated_at":"2024-10-28 03:33:47"}]

High-Performance Coatings

Bullet Liner is an excellent coating that guards valuable possessions. It is a fast-drying solution that can be applied to almost any surface, drying within six seconds and attaining 95% solidification in 6 hours. This kind of protection is perfect for wood, metal, concrete, asbestos, fibreglass, and other materials. In addition, it forms a strong waterproof barrier that is both shock and scratch-immune. 


What makes Bullet Liner special is its resistance to H2S, making it an ideal choice for wastewater industries or in places with anaerobic digesters. It is also perfect for maritime applications like saltwater, narrow boats, yachts, speedboats, wind turbines, oil rigs, piers, bridges, ponds, and more. 


This high-performance coating is perfect for fleet and personal vehicles, flat roofs, asbestos and concrete encapsulation, and industrial applications, allowing for a tiny window of opportunity.

What Is It?

BULLET LINER 1 is a 2nd generation polyurea-based coating which is not affected by high levels of humidity or moisture in either the air or the surface it is being applied to. This flagship formula creates a single, tough layer that is both elastic and enduring. It is only available from Bullet Liner dealers globally, and it has remarkable sprayability and a consistent, fine-grain finish.

What Can It Be Used For?

BULLET LINER 1 is specially created for automotive use, for example, pickup truck bed liners, trailers, military purposes and service/fleet vehicles. This material has a speedy curing time and a textured surface. It is able to stick to most materials and is a perfect protective-abrasive-impact liner for cementitious, wood, and/or metal surfaces. Additionally, this Gen II renewable chemistry possesses superior chemical and moisture resistance.


It is essential that the surface be completely dry before any spraying takes place. The temperature should be at least 5 degrees Fahrenheit above the dew point. The atmosphere should not possess more than 85% relative humidity or else pin holing may occur. The applicator must examine the initial climate conditions prior to beginning. A sample area should be sprayed and then inspected to ensure it meets quality standards. If the sprayed sample is acceptable, then the applicator may continue.


According to the calculations, one 100-gallon drum of the material should theoretically be able to cover an area of 1600 square feet with a dry film thickness of 100 mils. The amount of material needed to cover the substrate should take into account any potential waste due to the environmental conditions at the location, as well as the type of substrate that the material is being applied to.